The Vision for the Yves Landry Foundation expresses our continuing aspiration for Canada and serves to inspire us as we undertake our business activities. It communicates the essence of our organization… why we exist and the ultimate impact we will have on our country and its people:
Canada will secure a global technological advantage as a result of its world-class pool of highly skilled and qualified workers, technicians, technologists and engineers.
The Mission is the foundation of our business planning. It describes our purpose and the approach the Foundation uses in its work. It conveys our core being… what we do and how we do it:
The Yves Landry Foundation facilitates opportunities for technological education and training through partnerships among industry, education and government.
The Value Proposition explains the influence and significance of our work. It articulates the results we produce … how we make a difference to the Canadian economy, its businesses and their workers:
The Yves Landry Foundation is an impartial intermediary and advocate for outstanding technological education and training across Canada.